The therm

The Thermos is like the self-exile where we got involved with our history, putting our experiences in order to survive, but one fine day that thermos boiled, the lid jumped and like the water it contained, all that history came out and joined with this story…

Documentary TV Movie. Color. 30 min. 2012
Dir. Soledad San Julián

Winner of the Julio Lencina Contest 2013

Sucre International Human Rights Film Festival
Ventana Andina International Film Festival
International Political Film Festival of Argentina
Las Alturas International Film Festival
Los Pastos Film Festival 

Senderos Films, a leading producing company in the northern of Argentina
specialized in local production services since 2011.
The company produces creative documentaries.

+54 9 388 414-1994

Sitio web desarrollado por Cooperativa de Trabajo Minga Ltda.

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